The metering method determines how the cam era sets exposure:
Method Description
3D color
matrix II/
matrix II/
1,005-pixel RGB sensor sets exposure based on variety of information from all
areas of frame. With type G or D lens, camera uses 3D color matrix metering II
for natural results even when frame is dominated by bright (white or yellow)
or dark (black or dark green) colors. With other CPU lenses, 3D range informa-
tion is not included; instead, camera uses color matrix metering II. Color matrix
metering is available when focal length and maximum aperture of non-CPU lens
are specifi ed using Non-CPU Lens Data item in shooting menu ( 93; center-
weighted metering is used if focal length or aperture is not specifi ed). Matrix
metering will not produce desired results with autoexposure lock ( 70) or ex-
posure compensation ( 72), but is recommended in most other situations.
Camera meters entire frame but assigns greatest weight to area in center of
frame 8 mm (0.31 in.) in diameter, shown by corresponding 8-mm reference
circle in viewfi nder. Classic meter for portraits; recommended when using fi l-
ters with an exposure factor (fi lter factor) over 1 × ( 181).
Camera meters circle 3 mm (0.12 in.) in diameter (approximately 2.0% of frame).
Circle is centered on current focus area (in group dynamic AF, on center focus
area of current group; 54), making it possible to meter off -center subjects (if
non-CPU lens is used or if dynamic-area AF with closest subject priority is in ef-
fect, camera will meter center focus area). En sures that sub ject will be correctly
ex posed, even when back ground is much brighter or darker.
* For improved precision with non-CPU lenses, specify lens focal length and maximum
aperture in Non-CPU Lens Data menu ( 93).
Before shooting, rotate the me ter ing selector to
choose a meth od suit ed to the com po si tion and
light ing conditions, and confi rm your se lec tion in the
viewfi nder.
b6—Center Weight ( 155)
This option controls the size of the area assigned the greatest weight in center-weighted
b7—Fine Tune Exposure ( 156)
Optimal exposure can be fi ne-tuned separately for each metering method (note that the
exposure compensation icon is not displayed when exposure is fi ne-tuned).