22 © 2007 VBrick Systems, Inc.
Configuration: Decoder > Picture-In-Picture
This menu allows the user to configure the Picture-In-Picture parameters on the decoder
output. The Picture in Picture feature is only available for encoder/decoder VBrick
SAP Timeout If SAP Timing method is fixed, this provides a configurable timeout
for program guide selections, in seconds. If no SAP is received
within the timeout period, the entry is removed from the table of
available programs. If SAP Timeout is variable, the entries are
removed from the program table as per RFC 2974 (Refer to
Configuration: System > General).
SAP Category This string can contain one or more category keywords that will
limit the video streams displayed by the Program and Conference
Guides. Keywords should be separated by spaces. Note that
characters are ASCII and can only be lowercase. The total of all
keywords in the string is 36 characters including spaces. If the
Decoder's category string contains both the keywords "Math" and
"Science," only video streams whose encoders have one or more of
these keywords assigned, or those that contain no keyword, will be
available to this Decoder. The Encoder's Category is established on
the Configuration: Encoder > SAP menu screen of IWS.
Note also the wildcard character * is supported at the very end of
keywords only. It is only valid if one or more additional characters
of any type follow the last non-wildcard character. Note that * with
spaces on both sides will display all streams. Having no category
defined (default) displays all streams.
SAP IP Address The receive IP address used to populate the Program Guide. This is
typically set to the Announce Program Guide SAP of the encoder.
SAP Port The receive IP port used to populate the Program Guide. This is
typically the port number of the encoder.