1. Play the fi le and pause at the spot you want to make your Start mark.
Select the Set a mark-in here action icon. Let the video play – you will
notice a small blue mark.
2. Now click on Pause at the location you want to mark the end of your
segment. Select the Set a mark-out action icon. Now that you have
defi ned a segment in the video, you can click the Remove selected part
or Keep selected part action icon. Although the set-mark action icons
are available, you can only mark one segment at a time.
3. Continue to select or delete other segments as in 2. Once
satisfi ed with your edits, you can Save the selection which keeps
the edit points and allows you to re-edit another time, or you can
Save Selection as a new File which will create a new edited fi le named
VIDEO – Creating MPEG-4 Video Files with your Computer
VIDEO – Creating MPEG-4 Video Files with your Computer
How to create an MPEG-4 video fi le
Video fi les that come from your digital camcorder, sent to you via e-mail, or which are freely available on the
Internet are encoded in many different ways. If not already in the proper MPEG-4 Simple Profi le or WMV9 Simple
Profi le format, a transformation operation must be done in order that these video fi les can be played by the AV
500. This transformation process is called re-encoding.
There are basically two ways to do this; 1) Use the Synchronize button in Windows Media
Player 10 or 2) Use
the PC tools which are available on the AV 500’s hard drive. The fi rst method is very simple and merely requires
that you synchronize a video fi le in your Media Player library to your AV 500. You do not have much control in
this converting process though and Windows Media
Player determines which video types it will and will not re-
encode. The second method, though it requires some learning, will allow you to have much more control over
the fi nal quality of the re-encoded (converted) video fi le. It is described below. There are other tools available on
the Internet, some free and some for sale, that can also convert your video fi les into the appropriate MPEG-4 SP
video fi le format for the AV 500. See the web site www.mpegmobile.com for a list of a few of them.
PC Tools
The AV 500 is delivered with two Windows
based programs that allow you to create MPEG-4 Simple Profi le .AVI
video fi les. They are the MPEG-4 Translator and Virtual Dub
. The MPEG-4 Translator will call the Virtual Dub
program and give it the correct parameters to encode your video from its original format, .avi or .mpg (mpeg 1),
and then encode it into a MPEG-4 SP .AVI fi le. The fi le will be scaled in order to be played back properly.