
iDP3210 User’s Manual
(8) Specifying the Bit Image Mode (ESC * m n1 n2 D1 ~ Dn)
* {m= bit image mode (See the table below.)}
{0 n1 FF}
{0 n2 02} Data is described in Hex code.
According to the bit image mode assigned in m, prints data in the bit image.
The no. of dots printed is divided by 256, whose quotient is taken as n2 and residualas n1.
The total no. of dots printed in the bit image is equal to n1 + (256 ×n2).
When bit image data have been input in excess of 1 dot/line (448 dots) position, the excess data are
In the bit image data (Dn), the bits subject to printing are taken as "1" and those not as "0".
The bit image modes are shown as follows:
( ) = For 42 columns mode
Vertical Direction Horizontal Direction
m(Hex) Mode No. of Dots Dot Density Dot Density Max. No. of Dots
0 8-dot single density 8 78 DPI 77 DPI 224 (216)
1 8-dot double density 8 78 DPI 154 DPI 448 (432)
32 16-dot single density 16 156 DPI 77 DPI 224 (216)
33 16-dot double density 16 156 DPI 154 DPI 448 (432)
When the value set in m (bitimage mode) are out of conditions, the data following after n1 is processed as
printing data.
The relation between bit image data and printing dots are shown below.