D-Link DCS-1130 Security Camera User Manual

50D-Link DCS-1100/1130 User Manual
Appendix A - Installing the DCS-1100/1130 on a Router Without UPnP
Viewing Your Camera Over the Internet
After all settings have been entered correctly, a user inside or outside your network will have access to the camera through a
standard Web browser. To access your camera, simply type in the IP address of the router given to you by your ISP, a colon, and
the HTTP port number that you gave your camera.
http://<ip address>:<port>
To access your camera’s video streams directly, open your PC’s/device’s web browser or media player and type in the IP address
of the router given to you by your ISP, a colon, the RTSP port number that you gave your camera, then the type of video stream
you want to view as follows:
3GPP stream (mobile phone / pda): rtsp://<ip address>:<port>/3gpp
MPEG-4 stream (PC): rtsp://<ip address>:<port>/mp4
MJPEG stream (PC): rtsp://<ip address>:<port>/jpeg
To access your camera from a computer on your local (home) network, simply enter the local IP address of your camera (i.e. If using a port other than port 80, you must enter the IP address followed by a colon and the assigned port number.
Note: If your camera is connected to the Internet, you can also use the Camera IP given to you on the stickers inside your box.
Viewing Your Camera Over the Internet Behind a Router
If you want to view one of your cameras over the Internet and your PC is behind a router or rewall, you may also need to
activate port triggering. This will allow you to open the necessary ports in order to view video from your camera. Consult your
router/rewall’s User Manual, and use the following information to set up port triggering:
Port trigger: 554 (if you have changed the RTSP port on your camera, use that number here)
Ports to open: 6970-6990