v Mount and Unmount commands. Users can mount and unmount a file system
in the client namespace with these commands. These are general tools, used not
only in NFS, but also to dynamically mount and unmount other local file systems.
For more information about the ADDMFS (Add Mounted File System) and
RMVMFS (Remove Mounted File System) commands, see “Chapter 5. Client
Mounting of File Systems” on page 39.
Network File System Client-Side Daemons
Besides the RPC Daemon, the NFS client has only one daemon to process
requests and to transfer data from and to the remote server, the block I/O daemon.
NFS differs from typical client/server models in that processes on NFS clients make
some RPC calls themselves, independently of the client block I/O daemon. An NFS
client can optionally use both a Network Lock Manager (NLM) and a Network
Status Monitor (NSM) locally, but these daemons are not required for standard
operation. It is recommended that you use both the NLM and NSM on your client
because user applications often establish byte-range locks without the knowledge of
the user.
Block I/O Daemon (BIOD)
The block I/O daemon handles requests from the client for remote files or
operations on the server. The block I/O daemon may handle data requests from the
client to remote files on the server. Running only on NFS clients or servers that are
also clients, this daemon manages the data caches for the user. The block I/O
daemon is stateful and routes client application requests either to the caches or on
to the NFS server. The user can specify the regular intervals for updating all data
that is cached by the block I/O daemon. Users can start multiple daemons to
perform different operations simultaneously.
NFS Client-Side Caches
Caching file data or attributes gives administrators a way of tuning NFS
performance. The caching of information allows you to delay writes or to read
Figure 10. The NFS Client
12 OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4