When you use the STRNFSSVR command, you can specify many parameters:
v The required SERVER parameter on the STRNFSSVR command specifies the
Network File System daemon jobs to be started by this command. The specified
daemon should not already be running.
v The NBSVR parameter on the STRNFSSVR command specifies the number of
NFS server (*SVR) daemon jobs you want to have running. Additional daemons
will be started if the number you specify on this parameter is greater than the
number of server daemons already running on the system. This parameter can
only be used if you specify SERVER(*SVR).
v The NBRBIO parameter on the STRNFSSVR command specifies the number of
NFS block I/O (*BIO) daemon jobs you want to have running. Additional
daemons will be started if the number you specify on this parameter is greater
than the number of block I/O daemons already running on the system. This
parameter can only be used if you specify SERVER(*BIO).
v The STRJOBTIMO parameter on the STRNFSSVR command specifies the
number of seconds to wait for each daemon to successfully start. If a daemon
has not started within the timeout value, the command will fail.
Example 1: Start All NFS Daemons
This command starts all NFS daemons, and waits forever for them to start. No
daemons should be previously running.
Example 2: Start Only One Daemon
Start NFS Server (STRNFSSVR)
Type choices, press Enter.
Server daemon .........>*ALL *ALL, *RPC, *BIO, *SVR...
Number of server daemons.... 1 1-20 server daemons
Number of block I/O daemons . . 1 1-20 server daemons
Timeout for start of daemon . . *NOMAX 1-3600 seconds
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
Figure 53. Using the Start NFS Server (STRNFSSVR) display
Chapter 7. NFS Startup, Shutdown, and Recovery 69