2. Now the client can mount the exported directory and place it over a convenient
directory on the client, like /tmp.
3. If the client uses the WRKLNK command on the mounted file system, then the
client can now access the false ASP directory and connecting directories will be
WRKLNK '/tmp/*'
4. The server then needs to export a convenient directory, like /safe, which will
serve as the permanent location of the false ASP directory and its contents.
EXPORTFS OPTIONS ('-I -O ROOT=TUclient52X') DIR('/safe')
5. The client can mount the directory /safe from the server to provide a final
storage location for the false ASP directory and its contents.
MOUNT TYPE(*NFS) DIR('/safe') MNTOVRDIR('/user')
6. Finally, the client can copy the false ASP directory and the false objects 1.udfs,
2.udfs, 3.udfs, and 4.udfs on the server by copying them to the /safe directory
that has been mounted on the client.
COPY OBJ('/temp/*') TODIR('/user')
The false QASP02 directory and the false objects that were created with it are now
accessible to users at the server. The objects are now, however, located in /safe
on the server.
24 OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4