IBM AS/400e Security Camera User Manual

using the ADDDIRE (Add Directory Entry) command. All anonymous client requests
that are mapped to QNFSANON will fail at the server if you do not enroll the
QNFSANON user profile in FMS.
For more information regarding the QDLS file system, see
Integrated File System Introduction,
Managing OfficeVision/400,
Office Services Concepts and Programmers Guide,
Optical File System (QOPT)
Network File System Differences
Mounting and QOPT
Users can export QOPT file system and mount it on a client. You cannot mount
over the QOPT file system. Due to the statelessness of NFS and the fact that
optical storage can not be reused unless the entire optical volume is re-initialized,
the QOPT file system will be treated as a read-only file system once exported and
mounted on a client. Native users on the server will continue to be able to write to
the QOPT file system.
Note: When exporting any path in the QOPT file system, you must specify the
read-only (RO) option. Otherwise, the export request will fail.
Figure 51. The QOPT file system accessed through the NFS Server
Chapter 6. Using the Network File System with AS/400 File Systems 61