Display UDFS in user ASP on TULAB2
DSPUDFS UDFS('/DEV/QASP02/kate.udfs')
This command displays the attributes of a user-defined file system (UDFS) named
kate.udfs in the user Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP), qasp02.
Delete a User-Defined File System
The Delete User-Defined File System command (DLTUDFS) deletes an existing,
unmounted UDFS and all the objects within it. The command will fail if the UDFS is
mounted. Deletion of a UDFS will cause the deletion of all objects in the UDFS. If
the user does not have the necessary authority to delete any of the objects within a
UDFS, none of the objects in the UDFS will be deleted.
1. The UDFS being deleted must not be mounted.
2. Only a user with *IOSYSCFG special authority can use this command.
Display User-Defined FS
User-defined file system...: /DEV/QASP02/kate.udfs
Owner ............: PATRICK
Code page ..........: 37
Case sensitivity.......: *MIXED
Creation date/time......: 02/26/96 08:00:00
Change date/time.......: 08/30/96 12:30:42
Path where mounted......: Notmounted
Description .........:
Press Enter to continue.
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
(C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1980, 1996.
Figure 13. Display User-Defined FS (DSPUDFS) output (2/2)
18 OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4