Outline Fonts
The current modification level of the APU enables you to download outline fonts
to IPDS printers. You must first install the fonts, then update the font database
(with the call qapu/qypusync command) before you can take advantage of this
Outline fonts are scaleable fonts. A scalable font represents each character by a
mathematical vector that can resolve or scale the character to any size. The point
size of outline fonts can be anything from 1 to 999.9. Instead of entering a point
size, you may enter *CALC to have the system calculate the point size using
information that is derived from the spooled file.
When you look at the Work with Fonts panel that includes outline fonts, you will
see *V in the size field instead of a positive numeric value. The *V indicates that
the size of the font is variable, and hence that it is an outline font:
Define Field Mapping
Spooled file . . . . : INVPRE Page/Line......: 1/1
: Map Text :
: Type choices, press Enter. :
: From Row / Column : 12 / 12 :
: Mapping .....: 1/ 1 :
: Length . . . . . . 22 :
: Position across . . 1.1 *INCH Value :
: Position down . . . 2 *INCH Value :
: Font family.... HELVETICA *PRTDEF, Value F4 for list :
: Point size . . . 12 *CALC, Value :
: Bold . ..... 1 1=Yes :
: Italic ..... 1=Yes :
: Rotation ..... *DEFAULT *DEFAULT, 0, 90, 180, 270 :
: Color . . . . . . . *PRTDEF *PRTDEF, Value F4 for list::
: More.. :
F4=Prompt F12=Cancel
F22=Set Units
Figure 13. Map Text panel
20 APU User’s Guide