Panel 1: Apply Print Definition
APU will move the input spooled file to the output queue defined in the Success
or Failure fields, depending on the result, and will place the file in one of the four
status conditions shown above. *HOLD is the default for both success and failure.
Some of the fields you should fill out include:
Input Spooled File
Name of the input spooled (SCS) file to which a print definition is to be
Print Definition
Name of the print definition to be applied to the spooled file.
Success or Failure
Specify what you want to happen to the input spooled file on success or
Press the “Page Down” key to access the next panel.
Note: INVSCS can also be used with the SUPER and SUPER2 print definition
samples that are in the QAPU library. INVPRE can be used with the
AMASTER print definition, that is also in the QAPU library.
Apply Print Definition (APYPRTDEF)
Type choices, press Enter.
SCS Spooled File . . . . ....>INVSCS Name
Job name . ...........>QPADEV0016 Name, *
User.............> JOHN Name
Number . . . .........> 098677 000000-999999
SCS Spooled file number ....>10 1-9999, *ONLY, *LAST
Print Definition . . . . ....>INVOICE Name, *NONE, *SPOOLFILE
Library name . . . . . . ...> QAPU Name, *PRTDEFLIB, *LIBL
Run option . . . . . . . . . . . *NORMAL *NORMAL, *NOCOPY, *REPRINT
Post processing SUCCESS:
SCS Spooled File . . . . ...>*NONE *HOLD, *NONE, *DELETE, *OUTQ
Output queue . . . . . . . . . Name
Library name . . . . . . . . Name, *LIBL
Post processing FAILURE:
SCS Spooled File . . . . ...>*NONE *HOLD, *NONE, *DELETE, *OUTQ
Output queue . . . . . . . . . Name
Library name . . . . . . . . Name, *LIBL
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
Figure 91. Apply Print Definition panel
80 APU User’s Guide