You need to be aware of the capabilities and limitations of duplex printing:
What Duplex Printing Does
1. Type 1 in the duplex printing field if you want simple duplex printing. The
result will be that all second pages of the copy will be printed on the back side
of the page. Enter a 2 to select tumble duplex.
2. Duplex printing can be done only for consecutive pages of the same copy. If
more than one “copy” for a page format is required, duplex printing cannot
be done because one copy never has two consecutive pages.
3. If duplex printing is enabled (=1), then the Back Overlay field must be given a
value of *NONE, because you cannot print both an overlay and print text on
the back side.
Note: Refer to “Duplex” on page 113 for some helpful hints on using duplex
Defining Page Segments
Select the Define Page Segments option to name and position the page segment
that contains the company logo. The Define Page Segments panel is shown, as
seen in Figure 42:
Select option 1 to name a new page segment, then press Enter. Type the name of
the page segment, STRWNB, and position it at the bottom of the page, as shown in
Figure 43 on page 44:
Define Page Segments
Print definition . . SUNSD1 Page format..... *DEFAULT
Library ...... QAPU Copy . . . ..... *ORIGINAL
Type options, press Enter.
1=Create 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete
Position Position Unit of Page
Opt across Down measure Segment
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
Figure 42. Define Page Segment panel
Chapter 3. Building an APU Print Definition for a Single Page Format 43