Olympus E-410 Digital Camera User Manual

Shooting functions k Exposure, image and color
When subjects that are not white appear white:
J In the auto WB setting, if there is no near-white color in the image framed in the screen, the white
balance will not be correctly determined. In such a case, try preset WB or one-touch WB settings.
WB Compensation
This function lets you make fine changes to the auto WB and preset WB settings.
2 Use p to select the white balance to adjust.
WB mode Light conditions
Used for most light conditions (when there is a white portion framed in the
viewfinder). Use this mode for general use.
5 5300K
For shooting outdoors on a clear day, or to capture the reds in a sunset or the
colors in a fireworks display
2 7500K For shooting outdoors in the shadows on a clear day
3 6000K For shooting outdoors on a cloudy day
1 3000K For shooting under a tungsten light
w 4000K For shooting under white fluorescent lighting
x 4500K For shooting under a neutral white fluorescent lamp
y 6600K For shooting under a daylight fluorescent lamp
Color temperature set by one-touch WB.
g “Setting the one-touch white balance” (P. 57)
Color temperature set in custom white balance menu. When the value has not
been set, it is set to 3000K. The color temperature display changes according
to your CWB setting.
Not displayed when WB is
set to AUTO.
s0013_e_00_unified.book Page 56 Monday, March 5, 2007 10:04 AM