Olympus E-410 Digital Camera User Manual

Customizing the settings/functions of your camera
Live view boost
During live view shooting, you can brighten the monitor for easier confirmation on the subject.
The subject is displayed on the monitor with the brightness level that is adjusted
according to the exposure being set. You can shoot while confirming through the
monitor in advance to get a picture that is to your liking.
The camera automatically adjusts the brightness level and displays the subject on the
monitor for easier confirmation. The effect of the white balance and exposure
compensation adjustments will not be reflected on the monitor.
File name
When you take a picture, the camera assigns it a unique file name and saves it in a folder.
The folder and file name can later be used for file handling on a computer.
File names are assigned as shown in the illustration below.
Even when a new card is inserted, the folder numbers are retained from the previous
card. If the new card contains an image file whose file number coincides with one
saved on the previous card, the new card’s file numbers start at the number following
the highest number on the previous card.
When a new card is inserted, folder numbers start at 100 and file numbers start at
0001. If a card containing images is inserted, the file numbers start at the number
following the highest file number on the card.
When both the Folder and File No. reach their respective maximum number (999/9999), it is not
possible to store additional pictures even if the card is not full. No more pictures can be taken.
Replace the card with a new one.
s0013_e_00_unified.book Page 74 Monday, March 5, 2007 10:04 AM