Olympus E-410 Digital Camera User Manual

Shooting functions k Exposure, image and color
3 Use p to select the color direction.
R-B RedkBlue
G-M GreenkMagenta
You can set both color directions.
Adjusting the white balance in the R-B direction
Depending on the original WB conditions, the image will
become redder each time you press a, and bluer each
time you press c.
Adjusting the white balance in the G-M direction
Depending on the original WB conditions, the image will become greener each time you press
a, and more magenta each time you press c.
The white balance can be adjusted in 7 increments in each direction (R, B, G and M).
4 Press the i button.
Your adjustment is saved.
Checking the white balance you have adjusted:
J After performing Step 3, point the camera at the subject to take test shots. When the AEL button
is pressed, sample images that have been taken with the current WB settings are displayed.
Adjusting all WB mode settings at once:
J Refer to “Compensating all WB” (P. 73).
Setting the one-touch white balance
This function is useful when you need a more precise white balance than preset WB can
provide. Point the camera at a sheet of white paper under the light source you want to use to
determine the white balance. The optimum white balance for the current shooting conditions
can be saved in the camera. This is useful when shooting a subject under natural light, as
well as under various light sources with different color temperatures.
Set [7 FUNCTION] to [V] beforehand. (gP. 73)
1 Point the camera at a sheet of white paper.
Position the paper so that it fills the viewfinder. Make sure there are no shadows.
2 While holding down the b button, press the
shutter button.
The one-touch white balance screen appears.
3 Select [YES] and press the i button.
The white balance is registered.
The registered white balance will be stored in the camera
as a preset WB setting. Turning the power off does not
erase the data.
After pressing the shutter button, [WB NG RETRY] is
J When there is not enough white in the image, or when the image is too bright, too dark or the
colors look unnatural, you cannot register the white balance. Change the aperture and shutter
speed settings, then repeat the procedure from Step 1.
b button
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