Olympus E-410 Digital Camera User Manual

Customizing the settings/functions of your camera
AEL metering
Sets the metering mode for when pressing the AEL (AE lock) button to lock the exposure.
[AUTO] performs metering in the mode selected under [METERING] mode.
Compensating all WB
This lets you apply the same compensation value to all the white balance modes at once.
[ALL SET] : The same compensation value applies to all WB modes.
[ALL RESET] : The WB compensation value settings applied to each WB mode are all
cleared at once.
If you select [ALL SET]
1) Use bd to select the color direction.
R-B RedkBlue/G-M GreenkMagenta
2) Use ac to set compensate value. “WB Compensation” (g P. 56)
You can check the white balance you have adjusted.
If you select [ALL RESET]
1) Use ac to select [YES].
Auto pop up
The built-in flash pops up automatically in low light or backlight conditions while in the AUTO
or scene mode.
This allows you to stop the built-in flash from popping up automatically.
[ON] : The built-in flash pops up automatically.
[OFF] : The built-in flash will not pop up automatically.
This lets you assign a function to the b button.
Does not allow function allocation.
Press the b button to acquire the WB value.
g “Setting the one-touch white balance” (P. 57)
Pressing the shutter button while pressing the b button enables you to check the
picture you have just taken on the monitor without having to record the picture to the
card. This is useful when you want to see how a picture turned out without saving it.
[PREVIEW]/[LIVE PREVIEW] (electronic)
While holding down the b button, you can use the preview function.
g “Preview function” (P. 34)
s0013_e_00_unified.book Page 73 Monday, March 5, 2007 10:04 AM