About i.LINK
i.LINK's maximum baud rate varies according to the equipment. Three maximum baud
rates are defined:
$100 {approx. 100Mbps*)
$200 {approx. 200Mbps)
$400 {approx. 400Mbps)
The baud rate is listed under "Specifications" in the operating instructions of each
equipment. It is also indicated near the i.LINK jack on some equipment.
The maximum baud rate of equipment on which it is not indicated such as this unit is
When units are connected to equipment having a different maximum baud rate, the
baud rate sometimes differs fi'om the indicated baud rate.
*What is Mbps?
Mbps stands for megabits per second, or the amount of data that can be sent or received
in one second. For example, a baud rate of lOOMbps means that 100 megabits of data
can be sent in one second.
For details on how to dub when this unit is connected to other video equipment having
DVjacks, see page 76 and 91.
This unit can also be connected to other i.LINK {DV)compatible equipment made by
SONY (e.g. VAIO series personal computer) other than video equipment.
Before connecting this unit to a personal computer, make sure that application software
supported by this unit is already installed on the personal computer.
For details on precautions when connecting this unit, also refer to the operating
instructions of the equipment to be connected.
Use the Sony i.LINK 4 pin-to-4-pin cable (during DVdubbing).
i.LINK and [ are trademarks.