Introducing Sound Forge
Thank you for purchasing Sound Forge® and for your continued support of the Sony Pictures Digital family
of products. Sound Forge provides you with the powerful features you have come to expect, as well as a
number of new features designed to make digital audio editing quick and easy.
Sample files
Throughout the manual, you will find references to six sample audio files. The manual directs you to use
these files as you experiment with different Sound Forge features. These files are installed in the same folder
as the application:
• Drumhit.pca
• Fill.pca
• Loop.pca
• Musicbed.pca
• Saxriff.pca
• Voiceover.pca
The files are in Perfect Clarity Audio® (PCA) format, a Sony Pictures Digital proprietary lossless audio
compression format.
Full version of Sound Forge versus Screenblast Sound Forge
This manual is provided to assist users of the full version of Sound Forge as well as Screenblast Sound Forge
users. For this reason, product features exclusive to the full version of Sound Forge are identified throughout
the manual using the following icon:
In addition, Screenblast Sound Forge-only issues are identified and described where appropriate.
As experienced users of Sound Forge products know, there are often several methods of executing a
command, including menus, shortcut menus, and keystrokes. Throughout this manual, the typical method of
executing a command is identified in the procedure, and alternate methods are identified in a section
indicated by the following icon:
A full list of keyboard and mouse shortcuts appears in the first appendix to this manual. For more information,
see Shortcuts on page 257.