Taking Photographs—Flash Photography
D-TTL Flash Control
D-TTL fl ash control is available when an optional SB-series 80DX, 28DX, or
50DX Speedlight is mounted on the camera accessory shoe. D-TTL fl ash con-
trol is not available with other optional Speedlights. The type of fl ash control
depends on the lens attached:
3D Multi-Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash for Digital SLR: Speedlight
emits a series of near ly in vis i ble prefl ashes (mon i tor pre fl ash es) im-
mediately before main fl ash. Pre fl ash es re fl ect ed from objects in all
areas of frame are picked up by fi ve-segment TTL fl ash control sensor
and an a lyzed in combination with information from matrix metering
system to adjust fl ash output for natural balance between main subject
and ambient background lighting. Not avail able when spot me ter ing
is used.
Type G or D
CPU lens
Multi-Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash for Digital SLR: As above, except
that distance information is not included in reg u lat ing fl ash output.
Precision of calculation can be increased for non-CPU lenses by provid-
ing lens data (focal length and maximum aperture; 124–127). Not
available when spot me ter ing is used.
Standard TTL Flash for Digital SLR: Flash output is adjusted to en-
sure that main subject is cor rect ly exposed, without taking the back-
ground into ac count. Rec om mend ed for shots in which main subject
is em pha sized at the ex pense of back ground details, or when exposure
com pen sa tion is used. Standard TTL fl ash for digital SLR is activated
automatically when spot me ter ing is selected.
All types