Taking Photographs—Image Adjustment
Suiting Colors to a Workfl ow: Color Mode
The D2H offers a choice of color modes, which determine the gamut of col-
ors available for color reproduction. Choose a color mode according to how
pho to graphs will be pro cessed on leaving the cam era.
Choose for portrait shots that will be print ed or used “as is,” with
no fur ther modifi cation. Pho to graphs are adapted to the sRGB
col or space.
I (sRGB)
Photographs taken at this setting are adapted to the Adobe RGB
color space. This color space is capable of expressing a wider
gamut of colors than sRGB, making it the preferred choice for im-
ages that will be extensively processed or retouched.
(Adobe RGB)
Choose for nature or landscape shots that will be print ed or used
“as is,” with no fur ther modifi cation. Pho to graphs are adapt ed
to the sRGB col or space.
Color Mode
Modes I and III are recommended when taking photographs that will be printed with-
out modifi cation or viewed in applications that do not support color management.
Modes I and III are also recommended when taking photographs that will be printed
with ExifPrint, the direct printing option on some household printers, or kiosk printing
or other commercial print services. Photographs taken in Mode II can also be printed
using these options, but colors will not be as vivid.
JPEG photographs taken in Mode II are Exif 2.21 and DCF 2.0 compliant; applications
and printers that support Exif 2.21 and DCF 2.0 will select the correct color space au-
tomatically. If the application or device does not support Exif 2.21 and DCF 2.0, select
the Adobe RGB color space. An ICC color profi le is embedded in TIFF photographs
taken in Mode II, allowing applications that support color management to automati-
cally select the correct color space. For more information, see the documentation pro-
vided with the application or device.
Nikon Software
When photographs created with the D2H are opened in the software provided with
the camera or in Nikon Cap ture 4, the ap pro pri ate color space will be selected auto-