Menu Guide—The Setup Menu
Attach Comment
To add the comment to all subsequent photographs, highlight Attach com-
ment in the input comment menu and press the multi selector to the right.
A ✔ will appear in the box next to Attach comment; highlight Done and
press the multi selector to the right to return to the setup menu.
To prevent the comment from being added to photographs, highlight Attach
comment in the input comment menu and press the multi selector to the
right to remove the check from Attach comment, then highlight Done and
press the multi selector to the right to return to the setup menu.
Auto Image Rotation
The D2H is equipped with a built-in sensor that
detects camera orientation. Information from
this sensor can be embedded in photographs as
they are taken, allowing portrait (tall) orientation
photographs to be rotated automatically when
displayed in the software provided with the cam-
era or Nikon Capture 4.
Auto image rotation
Option Description
Camera orientation is not recorded. Nikon Capture 4 and supplied soft-
ware display all photographs in landscape (wide) orientation.
Camera records whether shots are in landscape (wide) orientation, portrait
(tall) orientation with the camera rotated 90 ° clockwise, or portrait (tall)
orientation with the camera rotated 90 ° counter-clockwise.
*In CH (continuous high speed) and CL (continuous low speed) modes ( 70), ori-
entation recorded for fi rst shot applies to all images in same burst, even if camera
orientation is changed during shooting.
†Camera may fail to record correct orientation in shots taken with lens pointing up or
down. Choose Off to prevent camera from recording incorrect orientation.
Landscape (wide)
Camera rotated 90 °
Camera rotated 90 °