Menu Guide—Custom Settings
Maximum shots C-Mode max. shotsd2 188
Illumination LCD Illuminationd7 193
Cntrl panel/fi nder Control panel/viewfi nder displayd6 192–193
File No. Seq. File number sequenced5 191
Long exp. NR Long exposure noise reductiond4 190
Shooting speed CL-Mode shooting speedd1 188
Exp. delay mode Exposure delay moded3 189
Flash shutter spd Slowest shutter speed when using fl ashe2 194
Manual mode bkting Auto bracketing in M exposure modee6 197
Auto BKT set Auto bracketing sete5 196
Modeling fl ash Preview button activates modeling fl ashe4 195
Flash sync speed Flash sync speed settinge1 194
AA fl ash mode AA fl ash modee3 195
Auto BKT selection Auto bracketing selection methode8 198
Auto BKT order Auto bracketing ordere7 197
Multi selector When multi selector is pressed:f2 200
Command dials Customize command dialsf5 202–204
FUNC. button Assign FUNC. buttonf4 201
Center button Multi selector center buttonf1 198–199
PhotoInfo/Playback Role of multi selector in full-frame playbackf3 200
No CF card? Disable shutter if no CF cardf7 205
Buttons and dials Setting method for buttons and dialsf6 204–205