Using Images on Your Computer
Proof Sign-off:
K. Pipa CRE Tsutagawa
K. Pipa
CRE R. Hopley
Rev. C
4/27/01 Pass 3
For Macintosh
The system requirements for Macintosh computers
when connecting the PhotoPC 3100Z with a USB cable
are as follows:
The included software cannot be used with the Multiple
Users function of Mac OS 9.
The Included Software
The EPSON Camera Software CD-ROM that comes
with your PhotoPC 3100Z digital camera contains the
following EPSON software.
❏ PhotoPC 3100Z USB driver
Driver necessary to connect your camera to your
computer (except for Windows 2000 users and
Macintosh OS 9).
❏ EPSON Photo!4
Software for viewing and managing the images
you capture with your PhotoPC 3100Z.
❏ EPSON CameraStarter
Utility that starts automatically when you connect
your camera to your computer and provides you
with a convenient way to launch EPSON
AutoDownloader and EPSON PhotoQuicker.
(Automatically installed with EPSON Photo!4.)
❏ EPSON AutoDownloader
Utility that provides you with a quick and
organized way to transfer your photos, video
clips, and audio recordings from the camera to
your computer.
(Automatically installed with EPSON Photo!4.)
Windows 98 pre-installed, Windows
Millennium Edition, or Windows 2000 pre-installed
QuickTime 4.1.2 or later
Power PC G3 processor or higher
Apple Macintosh with built-in USB port
(128 MB when using EPSON PhotoQuicker together
with EPSON Photo!4)
Hard disk drive with at least 50 MB free space
(170 MB when using EPSON PhotoQuicker)
Monitor with a minimum resolution of 640 × 480
Macintosh OS 8.5.1 to OS 9.1
(Panorama Stitcher Light EP requires
Macintosh OS 8.6 to OS 9.1)
QuickTime 4.1.2 or later