100 xSeries 343 Hardware Maintenance Manual
Table 17. POST Code - Port 80h Codes (continued)
Diagnostic LED Decoder
Note: G=Green, R=Red,
F4h R A R R Load micro code to all CPUs.
F6h R A A R Scan SMBIOS GPNV areas.
15h Off G Off A 8254 timer test on channel 2.
15h Off G Off A Enable 8042.
15h Off G Off A Keyboard reset.
26h Off G A Off Initialize LCD, if supported.
28h G Off R Off
Set Video Mode: initialization before setting the video mode is
complete. Configuring the monochrome mode and color mode
settings next.
29h G Off R G Debugger hook.
2Ah G Off A Off
Init PCI devices and motherboard devices. Pass control to video
BIOS Start serial console redirection.
2Bh G Off A G Platform hook.
2Dh G G R G
Initialize AMI display manager module. Initialize support code for
headless system if no video controller is detected.
2Dh G G R G Scan flash for logos and Initialize logo data areas.
30h Off Off R R Detect PS/2 mouse.
30h Off Off R R Hook after c000 ROM control.
2Eh R R A Off Set up video parameters in BIOS data area.
37h Off G A A
Activate ADM: the display mode is set. Displaying the power-on
message next.
37h Off G A A Initialize language module. Display splash logo.
37h Off G A A Display Sign-On Message BIOS ID and processor information.
38h G Off R R
Detect USB mouse: initializing the bus input, and general devices
next, if present.
34h Off G R R Reset IDE controllers.
39h G Off R A Displaying bus initialization error messages.
3Ah G Off A R
Display Setup Message the new cursor position has been read and
saved. Displaying the hit setup message next.
40h Off R Off Off Ensure timer keyboard interrupts are on.
4Bh G R G G
Memory Test: the amount of memory above 8 MB has been found
and verified. Checking for a soft reset and clearing the memory
below 8 MB for the soft reset next. If this is a power-on situation,
going to checkpoint 4Eh next.
57h Off A G A Chipset hook after memory size.
53h Off R A A Display processor cache size.
54h Off A Off R Disable parity and NMI reporting.