Multiple number of formats supported
Switching betw
een the 1080i, 720p and 480i formats can be accomplished using a menu.
Transition from an SD format system to an HD format system can also be carried out smoothly.
With the SD for
mat, either 16:9 or 4:3 can be selected as the aspect ratio.
Three 1/3” CCD imaging sensors and a high-performance 13 zoom lens featured
The unit incor
porates a 14-bit analog-to-digital (A/D) converter and a 19-bit processing DSP (digital signal processor).
High-quality pictures are obtained by video processing in many different kinds of ways.
The unit comes with wide prog
ressive CCD imaging sensors which have been newly developed.
These 1/3˝ CCD sensors have a large light-sensing surface area so that pictures with a high quality can be obtained under
a variety of different shooting conditions.
The large-diameter lens that w
as developed for shooting HD pictures has a wide angle of 32.5 mm (35 mm equivalent) at the
WIDE setting. Clear pictures are obtained under a wide range of applications.
Easy operation of unit enabled by its integration with a high-performance pan-tilt head unit
Operations at the high speed of 60°/s
Wide rotational angles with a panning range of more than ±175° and a tilting r
ange from –40° to +210° or more
Standstill accuracy:
Accurate response of max. 3´ (0.05°)
Quiet oper
ation with noise levels of NC30 (for operations at 30°/s) and NC35 (for operations at 60°/s)
age of up to 100 positions in the preset memory
(The number of preset memory settings differs depending on the controller that is used with the unit.)
High degree of compatibility with Panasonic’s currently available controllers, enabling a flexible system to be put
Up to fiv
e units and devices can be operated using a controller (AW-RP655, AW-RP555 or AW-RP400 + AW-IF400 +
AW-CB400) currently available from Panasonic. (It may be necessary to upgrade the version of the controller in order to
support the unit. The maximum distances between the units and controller is 3280 ft. (1000 meters). Use of an external device
or some other means must be provided separately in order to extend the video signal connections.)
The unit can also be used together with the camer
as and pan-tilt head unit systems currently available from Panasonic so
that an existing system can be used to advantage to put together a system that is even more flexible.
Integrated pan-tilt head unit, camera and lens to facilitate installation
Integrating the pan-tilt head unit, camera and lens has significantly reduced the processes involving in installation.
Easy-to-operate wireless remote contr
ol provided as a standard accessory
A wireless remote control capab
le of operating up to four units is provided as a standard accessory.
It can easily be used to set the various functions or switch between them while viewing the menu screens.