P6330 3.5 GHz Differential Probe Instructi on Manual
The specifications in Tables 3 through 6 apply to a P6330 probe
installed on a TDS8000 oscilloscope. When the probe is used with
another oscilloscope, the oscilloscope must have an i nput impeda nce
of 50 Ω. The probe must have a warm-up period of at least
20 minutes and be in an environment that does not exceed the limits
described in Table 3. Specifications for the P6330 differential probe
fall into three categories: warranted, typical, and nominal character-
Warranted Characteristics
Warranted characteristics (Table 3) describe guaranteed performance
within tolerance limits or certain type-tested requirements.
Warranted characteristics that have checks in the Performance
Verification section are marked with the n symbol.
Table 3: Warranted electrical characteristics
n DC gain
0.2 ± 2%
n Output offset voltage ± 10 mV (+ 20_ Cto+30_ C,
+68_ Fto+86_ F)
± 50 mV displayed on screen with
TEKPROBE interface
n Rise time (probe only)
140 ps (130 ps typical)
Maximum nondestructive input voltage ± 15 V(DC + peak AC) between signal and
common of the same channel.
Delay variation (probe-to-probe) 600 ps maximum
Operating: 0 to + 40_ C
(+ 32 to + 104_ F)
Nonoperating: -- 55 to + 75_ C
(--131 to + 167_ F)