Performance Verification
P6330 3.5 GHz Differential Probe Instructi on Manual
Probe Calibration Fixture
Some of the procedures in this manual use a probe calibration
fixture, Tektronix part number 067-0419-00.
The calibration fixture provides a means to test the probe for bot h
common mode and differential mode measurements. SMA
connectors allow stimulus signals to connect to the fixtu re an d are
located on the front and back of the fixture. The fixt ure i s designed
to be used with a probe positioner, such as a Tektronix PPM203B.
Figure 16: Probe Cal ibration Fixture
Using the Probe Calibration Fixture
1. Connect the fixture to the test circuit using an SMA cable.
2. Connect the 50 Ω terminator included with the fixture to the
unused SMA connector.
3. Insert and secure the probe in a probe positioner.
4. Position the probe over the fixture, using either the positioner
coarse adjustment or otherwise manipulating the positi oner arm
in place.