P6330 3.5 GHz Differential Probe Instructi on Manual
Performance Verification
Use the following procedures to verify specifications of the P6330
probe. Before beginning these procedures, refer to page 46 and
photocopy the test record, and use it to record the performance test
results. The recommended calibration interval is one year.
These procedures test the following specifications:
H Output offset voltage
H DC gain accuracy
H Rise time
Equipment Required
Refer to Table 7 for a list of the e quipment required to verify the
performance of your probe.
Table 7: Equipment required for performance verification
Item description Performance requirement Recommended example
High Speed Sampling
10 GHz bandwidth Tektronix TDS8000 with
80E04 module or 11800 with
SD24 module
Probe Calibration Fixture See page 39 067-0419-00
Probe Positioner Tektronix PPM203B
Power Supply TEKPROBE interface Tektronix 1103
Power Supply 5.0 VDC at 1 mA Tektronix PS280
DMM (2), with leads 0.1 mV resolution Fluke 87 or equivalent
Feedthrough Termination
BNC, 50 Ω ±0.05 Ω
Coaxial cables (2) Male-to-Male SMA, 20 in 174-1427-00
Coaxial cable
Male-to-Male BNC, 50 Ω