Integrated Web Server
VBrick Appliance Getting Started Guide 37
Figure 7. Edit Mode
If the browser is closed after entering the Edit Mode, Editing will not be ended. Therefore, a
second user can't know if the first user has simply forgotten to log off or is still engaged in
editing. After an hour of inactivity, Edit Mode times out, whether the browser is open on the
desktop or closed without ending the Edit session. In IWS, the Logout button on the right
side of the menu bar ends editing and logs you out of the application.
T To to reset the VBrick appliance do one of the following:
1. Power the VBrick appliance up and down by removing and reinserting the power cord.
2. Press the
Reset Box button on the Integrated Web Server in any of the selections under
Diagnostic. This button is only available while in the Edit mode.
End Edit Ends the editing session and displays View mode.
Save Config Writes all applied changes to flash
memory. If you do not click Save
Config after editing, any changes you
made are lost if the appliance loses
power or is reset.