
Installation and Getting Started Guide
NOTE: If you disable forwarding for a UDP application, forwarding of client requests received as broadcasts to
helper addresses is disabled. Disabling forwarding of an application does not disable other support for the
application. For example, if you disable forwarding of Telnet requests to helper addresses, other Telnet support on
the routing switch is not also disabled.
Enabling Forwarding for a UDP Application
If you want the routing switch to forward client requests for UDP applications that the routing switch does not
forward by default, you can enable forwarding support for the port. To enable forwarding support for a UDP
application, use either of the following methods. You also can disable forwarding for an application using these
NOTE: You also must configure a helper address on the interface that is connected to the clients for the
application. The routing switch cannot forward the requests unless you configure the helper address. See
Configuring an IP Helper Address on page 6-71.
To enable the forwarding of SNMP trap broadcasts, enter the following command:
HP9300(config)# ip forward-protocol udp snmp-trap
Syntax: [no] ip forward-protocol udp <udp-port-name> | <udp-port-num>
The <udp-port-name> parameter can have one of the following values. For reference, the corresponding port
numbers from RFC 1340 are shown in parentheses. If you specify an application name, enter the name only, not
the parentheses or the port number shown here.
bootpc (port 68)
bootps (port 67)
discard (port 9)
dns (port 53)
dnsix (port 90)
echo (port 7)
mobile-ip (port 434)
netbios-dgm (port 138)
netbios-ns (port 137)
ntp (port 123)
tacacs (port 65)
talk (port 517)
time (port 37)
tftp (port 69)
In addition, you can specify any UDP application by using the applications UDP port number.
The <udp-port-num> parameter specifies the UDP application port number. If the application you want to enable
is not listed above, enter the application port number. You also can list the port number for any of the applications
listed above.
To disable forwarding for an application, enter a command such as the following:
HP9300(config)# no ip forward-protocol udp snmp
This command disables forwarding of SNMP requests to the helper addresses configured on routing switch
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