About the Camera Selection Area
The Camera Selection Area is used to display all the cameras currently available for
monitoring from the network. You can select currently-available cameras via the Location
and Zone drop-down menus and then place them into the Viewing Area as Video Windows.
The Location drop-down menu lists the physical locations of cameras on the
The Zone drop-down menu lists the groups of areas within each location.
Selecting Cameras for Viewing
Locations, zones and thumbnails are configured and managed by
users with Administrator privileges. You must have Administrator
privileges in order to modify settings.
About Camera Thumbnails
When a Location is selected, zones within that location appear as thumbnail ‘folders’ to the
right of the Location and Zone menus. A scrollbar at the base of the Camera Selection Area
can be used to scroll the display of thumbnails.
Each Zone is grouped into camera thumbnail images and these can be dragged onto the
Viewing Area to create Video Windows.
When you select a location, its associated zones will be listed below.
You can hide the Camera Selection Area to allow more display
space for Video Windows. From the View menu, select Camera
Selector to hide/show the Camera Selection Area.