Appendix A -Troubleshooting VK-64
Live and recorded video is not good quality (this does not relate to Resolution).
Situation In a Video Window, the live quality may be different from another Video
Window and the recorded video (when you play back video) is also not
good quality.
Solution The quality of recorded and live video cannot be changed in VK-64. The
reason why the quality may be better in one Video Window and not
another is due to the Camera Server settings and quality can be changed
in the admin screens of the Camera Server to a higher setting. See your
System Administrator.
Live Video Windows in the Viewing Area are jerky.
Situation In the Viewer Area of the Viewing Screen, live video appears jerky.
Solution The Live Video Viewing Settings have a low frame rate set. The frame rate
can be modified by opening the Configuration and Preferences screen and
selecting the Viewer Settings tab. Select a suitable frame rate that does
not affect the performance of the Viewer, i.e., lower frame rates are ideal if
you have many Video Windows open in the Viewing Area.
No presets, sensors or external devices appear for the camera.
Situation You have opened the Video Window menu for a particular camera and no
presets are available and/or the menu items are disabled.
Solution You must enable the menu items if they are disabled by selecting Get
Camera Control from the Video Window menu. Menu items should then
be enabled. If no preset camera angles, sensors or external devices are
available it means that they have not been set in the admin screens of the
particular Camera Server.
Cannot access cameras from another Storage Server.
Situation In the Configuration and Preferences Screen, Camera Summary window,
you have attempted to add another Storage Server.
Solution You do not have an account set up on that Storage Server. See your
System Administrator.
Free disk space gets low after the Viewer has been in use for a long period.
Situation After launching the Viewer, you have displayed live and recorded video for
a long period and free disk space gets low.
Solution If you are using anti-virus software, communication between Viewer and
camera servers is being recorded and that file may be several gigabytes in
size. Please alter the anti-virus software settings to eliminate the Viewer
from virus scanning targets.