8 Printing and stapling will resume normally, unless the sta-
ples do not correctly advance.
If the staples are not advanced, any print job that was being sta-
pled when the jam occurred or when the cartridge was replaced
may not be stapled correctly. You can either continue printing the
job, or you can print a test staple job to advance the staples to the
proper staple position.
Continue printing the job.
If you’re printing a large job, you may want to allow the job to
continue printing.
Keep in mind that several copies of your stapled sets
may not be stapled correctly. If the print engine detects that a
test staple is needed, the next calibration page, status page,
or startup page printed will serve as the test page. Up to 12
test staples will be placed along one side of the page.
Print a test staple job.
Press the Print Status key on the control panel, and select
Yes. A standard or advanced status page prints. Up to 12 test
staples will be placed along one side of the status page. The
printer is now ready to resume normal operation.