Operating Instructions
Tunnel Mode (IPv4/IPv6)
An IPsec mode of operation where the entire IP packet including IP header is
authenticated and encrypted. A new IP header is added (protecting the entire
original packet). Both VPN clients and VPN gateways can use this mode.
• The camera can be accessed only from PCs under the VPN router. Other PCs
cannot access the camera.
Prepare the following required items:
Item Supported Feature
PC Operating
: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me,
Windows 98SE (in IPv4)
: Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later (in IPv6)
Web Browser : Internet Explorer 6.0 or later
Router ISP Service
(in IPv4)
: A service for static global addresses (A global
address must be set up to the WAN side of the
ISP Service
(in IPv6)
: An "IPv4/IPv6 Dual-Stack" or "IPv6 over IPv4
Tunneling" service
• See the Panasonic Network Camera support website at http:/
/panasonic.co.jp/pcc/products/en/netwkcam/ for the
recommended router.
Camera ISP Service
(in IPv4)
: A service for multiple global addresses (A
global address must be set up to the camera.)
ISP Service
(in IPv6)
: An "IPv4/IPv6 Dual-Stack" or "IPv6 over IPv4
Tunneling" service
Not Encrypted
Tunnel Mode