Polaroid PDC-2000 Digital Camera User Manual

accessories, optional 9
attaching the camera straps 10
Auto Focus, using 48
automatic shutoff 41
automatic shutoff, setting camera,
Macintosh 76
automatic shutoff, setting camera,
PC 98
back lighting, compensating for 49
batteries, caring for 105
batteries, charging in camera 106
batteries, charging outside the
camera 108
batteries, installing and charging
batteries, recommended types 106
batteries, replacing 110
camera service 115
camera specifications 121
camera straps, attaching 10
Capture and Index modes 40
Capture mode, selecting 42
changing operating preferences,
Macintosh 75
changing operating preferences,
PC 97
charging the batteries in the
camera 106
charging the batteries outside the
camera 108
computer control, restoring,
Macintosh 81
computer control, restoring, PC 103
connecting the camera to your
Macintosh 17
connecting the camera to your PC
controls, camera 34