Bracketing is a method of taking a series of images of a static subject in which each
image has a slight variation in exposure. Exposure and flash brackets can be made.
0.3 Ev bracket 0.7 Ev bracketFlash bracket: 0.7 Ev
Exposure bracket: 0.3 Ev
Select continuous-advance bracketing or single-frame advance bracketing and the
bracketing increment with the drive-mode selection screen (p. 50). Continuous-advance
bracketing creates a successive series of three images automatically when the shutter-
release button is pressed and held. The shutter-release button must be pressed for each
exposure when using single-frame advance bracketing. The greater the increment, the
greater the difference among the images. When selected, the number of frames and the
bracketing increment is displayed on the Ev scale. The bracketing order can be set in
section 2 of the recording menu (p. 80).
Continuous-advance bracketing
Single-frame advance bracketingBracketing indicator
Bracketing increment in Ev (p. 69)
To make a flash bracket, raise the camera flash; the ambient exposure is not bracketed.
Only single-frame advance flash brackets can be made regardless of the specified mode;
press the shutter-release button for each exposure. The built-in flash recharges between
exposures. Exposure brackets are made when the flash is down.