
Play: Play the show from its current point.
Play from beginning: Play the show from the start.
Preserve this episode: Save the show in the Replay Guide. See Preserving an Episode of a Show below.
Save to VCR: Save the show to a videotape. See Saving Recordings to Videotape on page 46.
Find all episodes: Find upcoming episodes of the show.
Rename show: Change the name of the show. This is beneficial for shows recorded using Manual Record.
Delete: Delete the show.
Exit: Exit the Replay show pop-up menu.
1 Press REPLAY GUIDE on the remote control.
2 Select a category.
3 Highlight the show you want to watch.
4 Press SELECT.
5 Select Play or Play from beginning.
If you have scheduled ReplayTV to record all episodes of a particular show or to record a Zone- or Theme-based channel, eventu-
ally the most current episode will be recorded over the oldest episode. ReplayTV lets you preserve episodes to prevent them from
being recorded over before you watch them.
To preserve a recording:
1 Press REPLAY GUIDE on the ReplayTV remote.
2 Highlight the show you want to preserve.
3 Press SELECT.
4 Select Preserve this episode.
If recording space permits, the show will be moved from its current Replay channel and saved in the Replay Guide.