Getting Started
Assigning an IP Address
45537L-005 ZebraNet PrintServer II User Guide 04/21/2009
To set the subnet, complete these steps:
1. From the ZebraNet View menu bar, select PrintServer>Configuration.
2. Click the TCP/IP tab.
3. From the Print Server Configuration>TCP/IP tab, in the Subnet Mask text-box, type in
your subnet mask.
4. Confirm it is accurate, and click OK.
The Print Server Configuration dialog opens:
5. To set a permanent IP address, enable the Set Permanent radio button.
6. In the Set Permanent text-box, type a new IP address and click OK.
To set the default gateway, complete these steps:
These steps are Optional.
1. From the ZebraNet View menu bar, select PrintServer>Configuration.
2. Click the TCP/IP tab.
3. From the Print Server Configuration>TCP/IP tab, in the Default GateWay text-box, type
in your default gateway.
4. Confirm it is accurate, and click OK.