Using Printing Protocols
04/21/2009 ZebraNet PrintServer II User Guide 45537L-005
Embedded within the PSII is an FTP server application that processes file transfers from a host
computer to the printer.
If the printer is on a network, label formats can be generated and data can be transferred
without setting up a print queue.
To send information to the printer in a Windows environment, try this
alternative exercise:
1. In a text editor, generate the following ZPL II code:
^CF0,55^FDZebra Technologies^FS
2. Save the file and name it test.txt.
3. Open the MS-DOS Command Prompt and type:
ftp <IP of PrintServer II>
This opens a session with the FTP server.
4. Type your user name and press Enter.
5. Type:
put test.txt
This transfers test.txt to the printer, and the printer generates a label.
6. To terminate the FTP session, type:
Example • If the IP address of your PSII device is, you would type:
Note • The default user name is blank.