iDP3221 User’s Manual
Bit 3: If this error occurred because of a paper jam, for example, remove the cause of the error,
andthenDELENQn(1≤ n ≤ 2) can be used to recover from the error. However, it is
not possible to recover from any error due to a circuit problem (e.g., broken wire).
Bit 6: If a head overheat error is detected and the printing is stopped until the head
temperature falls. At this time, bit 6 = "1."
(4) Paper detector status (when n = 4 is specified)
Bit Status Hex. Decimal
0 Unused 00 0
1 Unused 02 2
2,3 Paper not found by paper near end detector 00 0
4 Unused 10 16
Paper found by paper end detector 00 0
Paper not found by paper end detector 60 96
7 Unused 00 0
[See Also] DLE ENQ, GS a, and GS r, "Identification of Send Status" in Appendix 3