iDP3221 User’s Manual
ESC * m n1 n2 [ d ] k
[Function] Specifying the bit image mode
[Code] <1B> H <2A> H <m> <n1> <n2> [<d>] k
[Range] m= 0, 1, 32, 33
0 ≤ n1 ≤ 255
0 ≤ n2 ≤ 3
0 ≤ d ≤ 255
k = n1 + 256 × n2 (m = 0, 1)
k = (n1+ 256 × n2) × 3 (m = 32, 33)
[Outline] According to the number of dots specified in "n1," "n2," specify the bit image of mode "m."
• The number of dots printed is divided by 256, whose quotient is taken as n2 and residual
as "n1."
• The total number. of dots printed in the bit image is equal to n1 + (256 × n2).
• When bit image data have been input in excess of dot position of one line, the excess data
are discarded.
• "d" is bit image data, the bits subject to printing are taken as "1" and those not as "0".
• The bit image modes specified by m are shown as follows:
Vertical Direction Horizontal Direction
m Mode
No. of Dots Dot Density Dot Density
Max. No. of Dots
0 8-dot single density 8 60 DPI 90 DPI
n1 + n2
1 8-dot double density 8 60 DPI 180 DPI
n1 + n2
32 24-dots single density 24 203 DPI 90 DPI
33 24-dots double density 24 203 DPI 180 DPI
[Caution] • When the values set in m (Bit image mode) are out of the above range, the data following
after n1 is processed as normal printing data.
• After completion of bit image printing, printer returns to normal data processing mode.