5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each additional photo. The screen shows selected photos
and a number of copies for each. (You may need to press or to scroll and see
all your selected photos.)
Note: If you chose the wrong photo, you can deselect it. Highlight the selected
photo and press OK to uncheck it. If you need to change the number of copies,
press OK twice and change the number as described in step 3.
6. When you’re done, press Back. You see the Main Menu with Several selected.
7. Go to Choosing a Layout to continue.
Range of Photos
A range of photos is a sequence of photos (for example, photos 7 through 12).
Choosing a range is convenient because you don’t have to choose each individual
photo. Look at the photo numbers on your proof sheet to determine the first and last
numbers in the range, then follow these steps:
1. Press or to highlight
Select Photo, then press OK.
2. Press or to highlight
Range, then press OK.