To align the print cartridges:
1. Type DJCP at the DOS prompt to open the stand-alone Control
Panel for DOS.
2. Select Align Print Cartridges and follow the on-screen instructions.
Two Ways to Use the Control Panel
The DOS Control Panel can run either as a stand-alone application or as
a memory resident application. To run the DOS Control Panel as a stand
alone application: type DJCP at the DOS prompt.
The DOS Control Panel must be loaded into memory at start-up to work as
a memory resident application.
To set up the Control Panel for DOS as a memory resident
1. Type DJCP at the DOS prompt to open the stand-alone DOS
Control Panel.
2. Select More Settings.
3. Select Memory Resident Functions.
4. Select Make Memory Resident.
5. Select Done and reboot the computer.
To open the memory resident Control Panel for DOS: type the DOS
Control Panel hot key.
The memory resident Control Panel for DOS is a subset of the stand-alone
application due to memory considerations.