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Serial Communication Kit
TM/TMC-4200CL Series Progressive Scan Cameras
Command Parameter
End of
Cmd Ack. Response Description
Gain and Offset Continued
:VRB= XXX <cr> :o<cr> Set R channel Fine Offset
(XXX = 000 - FFF)
:MGA? <cr> :oMG[XXX]<cr
Inquire Master Gain
(XXX = 000 - FFF)
:MGB? <cr> :oSG[XXX]<cr> Inquire R channel Fine Gain
(XXX = 000 - FFF)
:VRA? <cr> :oMF[XXX]<cr> Inquire Master Offset
(XXX = 000 - FFF)
:VRB? <cr> :oSF[XXX]<cr> Inquire R channel Fine Offset
(XXX = 000 - FFF)
Lookup Table
:LINR <cr> :o<cr> Set linear table
:GM45 <cr> :o<cr> Set gamma .45 table
:KNEE= X1Y1X2Y2 <cr> :o<cr> Set knees
(X1, Y1, X2, Y2 = 00 - FF)
:NLUT X <cr> :o<cr> Set Positive Knee or Negative
Knee (X = 0 Positive, X = 1
:LUT? <cr> :o[lut]<cr> Inquire current LUT setting
Channel Balance
:EABL <cr> :oAB0<cr> Enable Gain Balancing
:DABL <cr> :o<cr> Disable Gain Balancing
:ABL? <cr> :oAB[X]<cr> Check Gain Balancing Status
(X = 1 Enable, X = 0 Disable)
:ACL= X <cr> :o[AC][X]<cr> Enable/Disable Optical Black Bal-
ancing and Inquire Status
(X = 0 Disable, X = 1 Enable,
X = ? Inquire Status)
:DCI= XXX <cr> :o<cr> Set Vsub (XXX = 600 - D00)
:DCI? <cr> :oDC[XXX]<cr> Inquire Vsub (XXX = 600 - D00)