Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
When in local control mode, any remote logging (:LOG) or synchronization (:SYC) is disabled, or
cannot be enabled. The remote logging state is stored in the configuration. Remote logging is
automatically re-enabled when the LBA-PC is returned to remote mode and the file name is FRM,
RDD, or RDR.
A.5.4.9 ORG - set manual origin to cursor location
This command is valid only when origin is set to manual (see :DIS).
A.5.4.10 PAL? - read color palette
This command retrieves the color palette currently used to display the beam on the LBA-PC. The
LBA-PC uses a base palette of 128 colors to display pixels in the range of 0 to 255.
# = pound symbol
3 = number of digits to follow
384 = number of data bytes to follow
(RDAB)(GDAB)(BDAB) = 24 bit red, green, blue color value
A.5.4.11 PAN - pan left/right/up/down
:PAN <configuration>
Key Type Value Description
X I new upper left corner [+|-]x
-x = move left by x
x = new location - see :PNW? for limits
+x = move right by x
C = center horizontally
Y I new upper left corner [+|-]y. Note that the
top is 0 and y values always increase going