Sony HDR-HC9 Camcorder User Manual

[] Recordingror,u.t(HDVI080iorDV)
Recordingmode (_ or_) isalso displayed
in theDV Ik_rmat.
[] Remaining battery (approx.)
[] Recording status ([STBY]/standby) or
[] During recording:
Tape counter (hour: minute: secund)
During playback:
Tittle code lhour: tniuute: secoud:
[] Recording capacity of tile tape (approx.)
[] Review button for still images uu tile
"Memory Stick Duo" 124)
Appears when 'Memory Stick Duo" is
[] END SEARCH/Rec review display
switch buttun (32)
[] GUIDE button (110)
[] Personal Menu button (39)
[] Recurding folder (51 )
[] hnage size (49)
[] Quality ([FINEI or [STDI) (49)
[] Number of recorded still images (25)
[] "Memory Stick Duo" indicatur and the
number of images that can be recorded
"_° Tips
The date/time during recording and the camera
seuing data will be recorded aulomalically.
They do not appear on lhe scrcen during
recording, but you can check lhem as [DATA
CODEI during playback lP. 60).
[] Tape transpurt indicator
[] Videu operation buttons (28)
[] Dala file name
[] Picture number/Total tmmber of
recorded pictures in the current
playback folder
Continued._ 107