Sony HDR-HC9 Camcorder User Manual

Unplug tile set lroln the wall omlet belore
cleaning or polishing it. Do not use liquid cleaners
or aerosol cleaners. U_ a cloth lightly dampened
with water lbr cleaning the exterior ol tile set.
long periods of time. unplug it from tile wall
outlet and disconnect tile antenna or cable systeln.
This will prevent damage to file set due to
lighming and power-line surges.
Water and Moisture
Do not use power-line opcraled _ls near \rater
lbr example, near a bathlub, washbowl, kitchen
sink. or laundry tub. in a wet basement, or near a
swimming pool. etc.
Route tile power cord so thai it is not likely to be
walked on or pinched by items placed upon or
against them, paying particular attention to tile
plugs, receptacles, and the point where the cord
exits lioln the appliance.
Do not place tile set on an unstable cart. stand.
tripod, bracket, or table. Tile set may lall, causing
serious injury to a child or an adult, and serious
damage to tile set. Use only a carl. stand, tripod.
bracket, or table recommended by the
Tile slots and openings in tile cabinet arc provided
lbr necessary velltilation. To ensure reliable
operalion of tile set, and lo protect il fl'oln
overheating, flmse slots and openings must never
be blocked or covered.
Never cover the slots and openings with a cloth
or olhcr inalerials,
Never block file slots and openings by placing
tile set on a bed, sol_. rug, or other similar
Never place the set in a confined space, such as
a bookcase, or built-in cabinet, unless proper
vcntilatkm is provided.
Do not place tile set near or over a radiator or
heal register, or whm'c it is exposed to direct
For added protection lor this set during _Llightning
storm, or when it is lell unattcnded and unused lor
Unplug tile set |roln tile wall outlet and relcr
servicing to qualified service personnel under tile
lbllowing conditions:
When the power cord or plug is damaged or
If liquid llas been spilled or objects bye l_dlen
into tile set.
If tile set has been exposed to rain or water.
If tile _t has been subject to cxccssive shock by
being dropped, or the cabinet has been
If file sel does not operate normally when
lollowing tile operating inslructions. Adjust
only fllose controls that arc specified in lhe
operating instruclions, hnproper adjustment of
othm controls may rcsu]l in damage and will
often require exlensive work by a qualified
techniciml to restore tile set to normal operation.
When lhe sel exhibits a dislinct cllange in
per%rmance this indicz,les a need %r service.
Do not ilttenlpt to service tile set yourself us
opening or rcnlovhlg covers may expose you IO
dangerous voltage or other lla/ilrds.
Rel_:r all selMcing to qualified service personnel.
Wllen replacement parts m'e required, be sure tile
service technician has used rcpl_Lcelnent pmts
specified by tile nlmmlacmrcr that have tile same
characteristics _Lstile original pro'Is.
Unauthorized substimtkms may rcsu]l in fire,
electric shock, or other hazaMs.
Upon con_pletion of rely ser_ ice or repairs to tile
set. ask tile selvice techniciml to l_erlolm routine
safi:ty checks (as specified by tile manuh,cturcr)
to detcmline that file set is ill sale operating