Sony HDR-HC9 Camcorder User Manual

a tape to a "Memory
Stick Duo"
You c_ln record a desired sceue ()lit() a
"Memory Stick Duo" as a still image, from
a movie you recorded on a tape. Make sure
you have a recorded tape and a "Memory
Stick Duo" inserted into your camcorder.
1 Slide the POWER switch
repeatedly to turn on the PLAY/
EDIT lamp.
" Search and record the scene you
want to record.
Touch _ (Play) to play back tile
tape, then press PHOTO lightly at the
scene you want to record. Check the
image and press it fully.
0 Notes
Tile dale m_dtime the picture is recorded on tile
tape and slorcd on the "Memo W Stick Duo" arc
recorded. On your camcorder, the date and lime
the picture is recorded on the lape are displayed.
Canlera setting dala recorded on lhe lape cannot
be stored on lhe "Memory Stick Duo2'
Still images will be fixed to image size [[_
1.2MI when playing back in tile HDV lormat.
Still images will be fixed to image size [l_]
0.2MI (16:9) or [VGA (0.3M)I (4:3) wllen
playing back in lhe DV lormal (p. 50).
You cannot record still images while using PB
"Memory Stick Duo"
1 Slide the POWER switch
repeatedly to turn on the PLAY/
EDIT lamp.
2 Touch _.
1_[_[1_,1oool ME_vlORy pLA
3 Select a picture you want to
delete with r_7/[_.
4 Touch _ --+ [YES].
0 Notes
Tile pictures cannot be restored once they _u'c
Pictures cannot be deleled when a "Memory
Stick Duo" with the write-protect tab is set to
the write-protect posilion (p. 91), or wllen tile
selecled picture is protccled (p. 70).
"_° Tips
To delete all pictures at once, select [_ ALL
ERASE] (p. 51).
You call delete pictures on the index screen
(p. 29). You can easily search lot lhe pidure to
be deleted by displaying 6 pictures at once.
Touch [_ ----+['_ DELETE] ----+the picture
you want to delete ----+[_ ----+[YES].