Sony HDR-HC9 Camcorder User Manual

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M When labelingthe cassette
Be sure to place tile label only on tile
locations shown in the following
illustration so as not to cause a malfunction
of your camcorder.
-- Do not put a label
along this border.
Labeling position
N After using the cassette
Rewind the tape to the beginning to avoid
distortion of the picture or the sound. Tbe
cassette should then be put in its case, and
stored in an upright position.
N When cleaning thegold-plated
(-;eoeralls, clean the gold-plated connector
on a cassette with acotton-wool swab after
every 10 times it has been eiected.
If the gold-plated connector on the cassette
is dirty or dusty, the remaining tape
indicator may not sbow correctly.
Gold-plated connector
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A "Memory Stick" is a compact, portable
IC recording medium with a large data
You can use the following types of
"Memory Stick" in your camcorder.
However, we do uot guarantee the
operation of all types of "Memory Stick" in
your camcorder.
"Memory Stick Duo" 0
(with MagicGate)
"Memory Stick PRO Duo" O
"Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo" O*
* This product does not support 8-bil parallel dala
lranslcr but il supports 4-bit parallel dala
translcr the same as with Memol3' Stick PRO
This producl cannot record or play data that uses
"Mz_gicGatc" technology. "MagicGate" is a
copyright prolection lechnology that records and
lranstcrs the contents in an encrypled fi)nnat.
This product is compatible with "Memo WStick
Micro" ('M2"). "M2" is lhe abbreviation for lhe
"Memory Slick Micro."
Still image tbrmat: Your camcorder compresses
and records image data in the JPEG (Joint
Photographic Experts Group) tPrnlzm The file
exlension is 'JPG."
File names of slill images:
101- 0001: This file name appears on the
screen of your canlcorder,
DSC00001 .JPG: This file name appears on
lhe display of a compuler.
A "MemolT Stick Duo" tormaued by a
computer/Windows OS/MzJc OS) does not have
guaranleed conlpatibility with your camcorder.
Data rcad/wrile speed may vary depending on
lhe conlbination of the 'Memory Stick" and
'Memory Stick" compliant producl you use.
You Callprcvenl accidenlal crasl/re of images
when you slide the wrile-protect tab on the
"Memory Stick Du<f' with a small tapered
ot!ject, 1otile write-protecl posilion.
Damaged or ]osl inlage dala will nol be
conlpens_lled for, and may occur ill the
Iollowing cases:
If you eject the "Memory Stick Duo," turn lhe
power oil on your camcorder, or relnove lhe
battcly p_,ck tot replacement while your
cumcorder is reading or writing image files on
lhe "Memory Stick Duo"/while lhe access
lamp is lit or flashing).
If you u_ the "MemolT Stick Duo" near
nmgnets or magnetic fields.